People Need to Wake Up

Started by Joe, Dec 01, 2024, 06:42 PM

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Stole this one from a post I read on Gettr.

Your 7-year-old wakes up exhausted.
Not because he's sick.
Because it's 6AM.

You pour him cereal.
Not because it's healthy.
Because it's quick.

He stares at an iPad.
Not because it's good for him.
Because you need to get ready.

The school calls later:
"He can't focus"
"He can't sit still"
"He needs testing"

The doctor writes a prescription.
Not because your boy is broken.
Because the system is.

The truth?

His brain is FIGHTING:
- Chemical food dyes
- Sugar crashes
- Screen addiction
- Sleep deprivation
- Natural energy

But we medicate the child Instead of fixing the cause.

Your grandfather's kids:
- Played outside
- Ate real food
- Slept well
- Moved freely

No pills needed.

Modern parenting isn't convenience.

It's warfare.

Against your own child
"Who needs common sense when you have the internet?"

Main Street Scottdale

The Crafty Curmudgeon