Scottdale Council Meeting - Dec. 9, 2024

Started by Joe, Dec 09, 2024, 10:01 PM

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There were a few big topics were touched upon at the latest Scottdale council meeting (December 9).

Before the regular meeting, a public hearing was held regarding the transfer of a liquor license to Scottdale from New Kensington. The transfer of the license would allow Pat Hill to move forward with her plan to provide alcohol sales at her ongoing renovation of Gracestone Manor. The transfer would allow for Hill to apply for a liquor license within Scottdale Borough. (Later during the meeting agenda, council unanimously approved a resolution to allow the transfer to occur)

At the beginning of the regular meeting, a moment of silence was held for the wife of councilman Andy Pinsky's wife Cherie, who passed away last week.

Two of Scottdale's newest policemen were sworn in by Mayor Chuck King. Lance Carlton and Clay Berkebile will be our two newest officers. Their starting date will be announced at a later date.

The new budget for 2025 was presented for approval by Borough Manager Stacey Coffman. The new budget will require cashing out a CD for $459k and a transfer from a Money Market Fund for $350k to the General Fund so the borough can operate for the remainder of the year and the first quarter of 2025. Any surplus from these funds that is not used will be re-invested. The budget was approved by vote of council.

The most interesting topic of the night was when Councilwomen Yeager proposed to either ban or tax the 'games of skill' machines located in any establishment that is not a bar or club. (ie; gas stations) The solicitor stated that these machines are now considered games of skill and not gambling devices, and therefore cannot legally be regulated. (Yeah, believe it or not. We all know what they are.) One of the main issues of this type of regulation was how can you single out one type of business and not another that both have the same machines. (It was glossed over and never discussed) Yeager's contention is that she doesn't like watching children sitting on the laps of people 'playing' the machines in the gas stations. Further, she feels that bars and clubs have rules regarding children in those establishments, so they should be exempt from and regulation. A local businessman spoke at the public comment portion at the end of the meeting and pointed out that cutting the revenue or placing a tax on the income from the machines in the clubs could effectively put them out of business. I personally hope this idea dies on the vine. I don't play these machines but if people want to piss away their money while their children watch, it's none of my business and probably shouldn't be anyone else's either.

There was also an ongoing discussion about CD rates from local banks. In a normal world, you typically will take the highest possible interest rate when investing funds, but apparently, not in Scottdale. Two banks (I won't name them) submitted rate sheets. One bank submitted a blanket rate (on ALL account the borough holds) of 4.65% and the other bank submitted a rate of 4.28%. I'm fairly certain most people would take the extra half point and run, but we don't do that here. The sticking point was councilwoman Yeager and Mayor Chuck Moore seemed to think that the bank that quoted the higher rate did not have the proper verbiage in their investment documentation, and that the bank was not clear on how they handle money market checking accounts. The problem I had was that while the input from the mayor was welcome, it should not be allowed in making policy. In addition, there were other members of council that just as easily could have made a motion to accept the highest rate, but they were silent. Instead, this topic is once again tabled until the borough office can do MORE meaningless research on something that should have been a simple transaction.

I'm so tired of having to even think about the publishing house, but the new plan is that the traffic patterns around the building will be changed. I tried to follow all the changes but part way through I kind of went into a publishing house coma and pretty much tuned out. I can tell you they plan on flat out closing the alley along the building, AND they will be buying MORE fence to put all around the building. Questions about how and when the building will be cleaned out and the antennas removed, and the new fence installed were answered pretty much like they have always been.......'we don't know'.

We found out the nativity scene that is located in front of Dollar Bank is pretty much at the 'end of life'. (Well, it was more likely worn out 20 years ago.) While nothing official has happened yet, council is starting to look at solutions to raise money to buy new figures. (They are pretty pricey...estimated at 5k) In the future they may be looking for benefactors or people good at fund-raising to help in their efforts to replace the nativity. If you have any ideas or are willing to help, you might want to contact the borough.
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