'Special' Council Meeting - December 14, 2024

Started by Joe, Dec 14, 2024, 07:20 PM

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Well, I certainly wasn't expecting a council meeting in the early morning of Saturday, December 14, but that's exactly what we had today. I don't know if it was scheduled as an emergency, or simply as a continuation of the December regular meeting when a few major topics were left unresolved. Regardless, there was an agenda that was very similar to the agenda from the December 9 regular meeting. Once again, a few important topics were discussed, and as always, council didn't resolve all of them.

Truth be told, they failed miserably.

This sleepy meeting began with public comment from a resident of Scottdale supporting the efforts of the police while operating with depleted manpower during 2024. She also urged council to help alleviate the excessive overtime being accrued by the borough by voting to have the two new officers sworn in at the last meeting, to begin working immediately. (Overtime is reported to have exceeded $120k for 2024) There was some discussion at the last meeting to not have the new officers start work until after the new year. (Not really sure why seeing as the new year starts in a few weeks. I'm pretty sure all of this had something to do with a upcoming 2% pay raise coming up for the police.)

So much for public safety. The thing that sucks is this could have been taken care of on Monday.

In the end, Councilman Chronowski made a motion to have the officers start immediately. His motion was seconded and passed after a roll call vote with councilperson Robson casting the lone no vote. Maybe a few of the officers can now catch a break and rest for a few days.

Council also finalized the financial payout for Chief Pritts, who is leaving his position next year. In addition, they also approved the chief to assist as a part-time officer as needed within the borough providing Pritts accepts the offer. The part-time position does not allow for insurance, seniority, or any other collective bargaining points that are in effect for full-time officers.

The SCCIA lease (one-year term) for office space at the borough building was discussed and it was suggested that the term of the lease be at least two years long. Borough Manager Coffman will re-work the lease and present it to the organization for review.

Now the fun stuff.....(again) the CD rates for investment.

I'm not even sure where to start. In a nutshell, there are only two banks that can be considered, Mid-Penn (where the funds currently are) and Somerset Trust. Both banks provided interest information to council weeks ago. This was prompted by Mayor King's request for 'more information' in relation to the terms of money market accounts.

In the end....and to make it as simple as possible, Mid-Penn has offered 4.28% for 2025. Somerset Trust is currently at 4.23% UNTIL the first quarter of 2025 when the rate will increase to 4.76% 

Once again, Mayor King was skeptical about the Somerset Trust rate, even though these rates have been passed around for a few months now.

Councilman Chronowski, who was the only lucid person in the group this morning, made a motion to accept the Somerset Trust rate, only to have the motion die on the vine for lack of a second. This is your council at work.

So.....NOW, at the behest of Councilwoman Colebank, we are going to create a 3-person committee to study the NEXT batch of identical information that they will receive from the banks regarding their interest rates, and present those findings at the JANUARY meeting.

Nobody will say this, but I'm gonna take a shot.

I saw a council trying to appease a mayor that had a stellar career at one of the banks in the running for the deposits. But, at some point in time, somebody has to grow a set and break the bad news to the mayor that Mid-Penn cannot, or is not, willing to match Somerset Trust's rates. You can try to sugar coat this anyway you like, but that's the truth. Producing another set of numbers 'in writing' won't change that fact.

This is ANOTHER delayed decision by a council that can't seem to make a lay-up.

The fact that we had to do this on an early Saturday morning smacks of bullshit. I just am not sure what aroma it is yet.

This council should be ashamed at having their borough manager make the SAME request she has made before to the banks.  Nothing like building more good-will (yeah, that was sarcastic as hell) with businesses in town.

Apparently, the borough has yet to find an independent auditor to do their close out audit for the year. Am I the only one that wonders why that is? Are independent auditors that busy?

In closing, Councilwoman Colebank reminded council that they really need to get serious about bids for fence at the MPH because after three attempts, if council doesn't award a bid, contractors may not want to do business with the borough in the future.


This borough has been screwing the pooch on this building for years. All the mental masturbation in the world won't make this situation any better. The people in town know how screwed up this whole thing has been. Buy ALL the fence....put it up......and let's all wait until the side of the building falls out into the street and jacks something, or somebody up. It's inevitable.

As always, corrections and additions are welcome.

I have a headache.
"Who needs common sense when you have the internet?"

Main Street Scottdale

The Crafty Curmudgeon